Where do you ship from?

We have warehouse in the United States, Germany and China. Shipping from which one mainly depends on your address and inventory of the items in your order. If you are in the United States, your package will be shipped from our US warehouse first. However, if the item in your order is unavailable in the US warehouse, the package will be shipped from our China warehouse.

How long does it take for shipping?

Usually, it takes 10-20 days for shipping. However, it varies from countries and shipping methods.

Why is there no tracking info/ order confirmation email?

Generally, you will receive an order confirmation email as soon as you complete the payment. And a shipping confirmation email concerning tracking info will be sent to you as soon as the order is shipped out. If you did not receive the email, it may be caused by the following reasons:
1.The email might be shielded. Please check your junk emails.
2.You did not fill in the email address in the order.

Why is the tracking not updated?

Generally, tracking info will only be updated after completing a certain procedure. For example, it usually takes 3-5 days for customs clearance, and tracking info will be updated after the customs clearance is completed. If the tracking is stuck for more than 7 days, please contact us.

Can I order two pieces outfits in different size for the top and the bottom?

Yes! There are separated links for both of the top and bottom! You can search the item directly on the website or find them on top collection and bottom collection. If you can't find them, please feel free to contact us at hi@hoooyi.com.